a mother with her daughter

How can we help you feel Better and Provide You with

"The Concierge Health Support for You or Your Loved Ones?"

How can our Online Doctors help you feel better?
Not urgent, TELEMEDECINE is about CONVENIENCE. Waiting for an appointment was never more convenient. Skip the hassle of the trip to the doctor, and WAITING IN LINES - consider scheduling your doctor on line or with SOME OF THE any time doctors available by video, CALL or App.
Speak with your family doctor, or any doctor.
For conditions like the flu, sinus infections, stomachaches, or working through longer term conditions with your doctor, telemedicine provides a confidential and secure experience
Find a plan that suits you.
Tell us about your need and we will help you find a plan that suits your need with one of our on line doctors or one of our partner hospitals and clinics near you.
a woman shows how to use CallMyDokter app

Get peace of mind from your family doctors or your specialist if you have questions about a diagnosis, treatment, or the need for surgery.

Get an expert medical opinion.
Advice and answers on a medical condition, diagnosis, treatment option, or surgery
Find out more about your Doctor
Doctors and specialists profiles are listed in our scheduled call section when looking for a consult. When searching, click on their name to find out more about them
a doctor in his cabinet
Access helpful services to support a Healthier Lifestyle. Many diseases and conditions not only require doctor visits but also addresses your lifestyle habits including exercise and diet and supporting you and your family with appropriate care.
Working with our partner hospitals and clinics often also includes medical checkups, on line access to nutritionists, health coaches among other health support. Between your doctor and health coaches, they develop and enable the various services needed to support your meaningful health plan. Those health plans can also be monitored by concierge nurse or other support often needed in our busy lives.

Monitoring takes many forms. From a regular physical check up to the health vitals check at a clinic, in the home, or from the many devices we use to track our daily health and wellness. CALLMYDOKTER platform is an open system that we are able to integrate a multitude of devices.

At this time, we are reviewing some interesting options however whenever and wherever you are we will be asking the questions.

a man with smartphone having videochat

Get better, stay healthier!

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